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Metrox (75th Century)
Possible future
2671322 0
Real name Unknown
Alias Metrox
Alignment Good
Gender Male
Occupation Legionnaire
Family none known
Affiliation Legion of Super-Heroes (Legends of the Dead Earth)
Homeworld Colu
First appearance Legion of Super-Heroes vol 4 Annual #7 (1996)
Appearance of death Legion of Super-Heroes vol 4 Annual #7 (1996)
Universe Legends of the Dead Earth
Alternate versions see Brainiac 5 (disambiguation)
Legends of the Dead Earth logo


Metrox was a member of the neophyte Legion of Super-Heroes in the 75th Century while they fought to prevent unknown enemies (who turned out to be Durlans) from destroying a star and disrupting the peace of the United Planets. He died in the first encounter.

Legends of the Dead Earth[]
