Dc Microheroes Wiki

Man-at-arm2 task
New Earth
Real name Unknown
Alias Man-at-Arms
Identity Secret
Gender Male
Occupation Superhero
Family none known
Affiliation Seven Shadows
First appearance JSA vol 1 #18 (Jan 2001)
Appearance of death JSA vol 1 #18 (Jan 2001)
Universe New Earth/Post-Crisis
Alternate versions none
Seven Shadows logo


Man-at-Arms was a member of the Seven Shadows, a short-lived superhero team that operated in Chicago during the World War II era. They were attempting to apprehend Johnny Sorrow at a Chicago movie theater but six of their seven members had all died after experiencing Sorrow's fatal gaze upon the removal of his mask. Only the Scarab survived the ordeal, and he was eventually also killed by Sorrow at a later date.

New Earth/Post-Crisis[]
