Dc Microheroes Wiki


When a villain named Superboy-Prime hit the scene during Infinite Crisis, no one had any idea how to defeat him. In a desperate plan to lock him up, Bart shoved Superboy-Prime into the Speed Force, the energy source from which all speedsters draw their power. Bart fell into the Speed Force as well, seemingly never to return. However, even this couldn’t hold Superboy-Prime and he returned. Bart soon followed but found himself changed.

Somehow, Bart had been aged into his 20s. He also discovered that he was one of the few remaining speedsters on Earth. After Superboy-Prime was taken care of, Wally and his wife Linda were missing. Realizing that a void had been left in the DCU because of this, Bart accepted the role of Flash, becoming the fourth person to take that role. Bart was now the fastest man alive.

Although Bart’s new series started off very rocky, it eventually stabilized itself and was going pretty well for about half a year. He moved to LA, got himself a brand new supporting cast, and even became taking classes to become a police officer. Then, things took a turn for the worse. For whatever reason, the editorial winds at the DC offices shifted. Suddenly, Bart wasn’t wanted for the role of Flash. Towards that end, an old doppelganger of Bart named Inertia began recruiting the Flash’s rogue gallery. He convinced them to do the unthinkable: to kill the Flash.

Surprisingly, they succeeded.

Meanwhile, Superboy-Prime had broken free from his confinement in which he was placed at the end of his last world shattering escapade. This time, he found himself in the far future of the 31st Century. There he set about destroying the Legion of Super-Heroes and their allies. In order to help combat Prime’s rampage, Brainiac 5, the smartest member of the Legion, found a way to bring Bart back to life.
