Dc Microheroes Wiki

The Crusaders were originally a fictional team of superheroes appearing in Earth-One comic books during World War II.

The Crusaders then appeared "for real" on Earth-One during the 1970's, offering their services to New York City District Attorney David Pearson to help capture the Freedom Fighters, who were at that time fugitives because they were believed to have been working with the villainous Silver Ghost.

DC Crusaders RichB

The New Crusaders[]

Over the course of their two Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters maxi-series, writers Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray continued to mine the history of both the Quality Comics properties and the silver age Freedom Fighters series for allies and enemies for their relaunched Freedom Fighters. The two revamped the Crusaders, and once again set them up as enemies of the Freedom Fighters before becoming allies. This new team included two revamped Quality Comics characters ( Captain Triumph, now a female, and Magno) and two newly created characters who would not survive their appearance ( Citizen X and Libertine).

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